![cop27 medwaves](/sites/default/files/2022-12/BEIRUT-LE-ROYAL-HOTEL-DBAYEH-11-12-13-OCTOBER.png)
The UN Climate Change Conference, under its theme “Together for Implementation”; was held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, from 6-18 November, under a global compelling demand of real changes to regain trust and to deliver the Glasgow commitments.
Under the COP27, dubbed as the “COP of Implementation”, Policymakers orchestrated several negotiations regarding the gradual “phasing down” of fossil fuels; as well as on the establishment of the new Loss and Damage Fund, among others. Likewise, one of COP27's milestones was the establishment of its very first Mediterranean Pavilion, in which several side events tooks place, all reaffirming the message that the transition to a Circular Economy that support SCP is underway in the region, and must be put at its very forefront.
MedWaves, the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Center for Sustainable consumption and production, seized the opportunity to actively participate in numerous side events within the MedPavilion, by also introducing its programmes and initiatives in which consumers, businessess and SMEs are supported in order to integrate circular thinking and adopt patterns of sustainable consumption and production (SCP). In this sense, MedWaves stood up to demonstrate that regional progress that can be scaled to achieve our much needed global transformation. Find out more on the Core Mission of the Center and its involvement at COP27 in this short video.
All Readers are encouraged to find more details on the MedPavilion‘ Side Events and key messages; as well as to view the diverse sessions’ vídeos; in the present link: https://www.medwaves-centre.org/new/post-cop-27-reflections-together-for-implementation/